Discord FAQ

Discord handbook

Welcome to the Daily Stoic Discord Handbook

When it comes to this platform our hope is that it helps foster a sense of community and accountability throughout the challenge. That said participation in this app is, by all means, optional…but highly encouraged. If you do choose to participate in the server please make sure to treat everyone with respect while doing so.

Set up

Discord can be used on your phone through the app, on a desktop browser, or you can download the desktop app. (The desktop app is one of the best ways to experience the platform). You can download it from here.

Once you’ve clicked on the discord invitation link please read the discord server rules we’ve outlined in the verification channel and then verify yourself by clicking the ✅ emoji at the bottom of the message. This will give you the 101 role which will ensure you're able to properly participate in the respective channels we’ve set up. (If you don't see the channel that means you already have the role assigned to you and are all set)

Verification will also allow you to change your nickname for the server. If you're on the browser or desktop app, right-click your own username in the Server Member List (in the right sidebar) and you'll see a drop-down menu appear! Press on the Edit Server Profile option, and you'll see a new menu pop up where you can type in a new nickname of your choice!

Once your account is given the 10 member role through the verification system you’ll now be able to view and participate in a variety of channels we’ve set up.

The announcements channel will be used for general announcements from our team to communicate with the entire discord server. This channel is set to read-only, you won't be able to comment in this channel, just react with emojis.

Muting notifications & Preferences

Discord notifications can be a little overwhelming. Here’s how you can mute notifications. This can be done for either the entire server, a specific channel, or a category (ie, challenges, stoic content, etc)

  • Step 1: While viewing a channel in a server, tap the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner of the screen.
  • Step 2: Tap the three dots to the right of the server name at the top of the screen. ...
  • Step 3: Tap “Notifications.”
  • Step 4: Tap “Mute [Server Name].”


A variety of other Discord - preferences can be set from your account preferences. On mobile click on your account profile picture and on desktop at the top click discord, preferences. Here you can edit preferences such as who is able to message you directly. (Privacy & Safety)

We’ve had a few requests to add a variety of channels. For the moment we’ve created a few of them. Other ones might be considered in the future but another means for you to have these conversations is through the threads feature. Click the three dots on a message and then create a thread.

Our intention is to keep this server open after the challenge however a few weeks after it ended we’ll archive the respective challenge channels. We’re also exploring some possibilities of opening up Discord to the entire Daily Stoic community, as well as the Daily Stoic Life membership which would consist of more exclusive channels.

Realize that not everyone is familiar with Discord so if you come across any issues or questions feel free to reach to our admins or moderators.