Ego Is the Enemy Medallion
Ego Is the Enemy Medallion
Ego Is the Enemy Medallion

variant: $30.00

product: $30.00

Ego Is the Enemy Medallion


"Ego sucks us down like the law of gravity." —Cyril Connolly

Inspired by the international bestseller Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday, Daily Stoic is excited to introduce the Ego Is the Enemy medallion.

Ego is that outsized sense of self-importance, that malignant self-absorption, a belief that one is somehow inherently better and entitled to more than everyone else, what NBA Hall of Fame coach Pat Riley famously called “the disease of me.” It’s the voice whispering in our ear, alternatively, that we’re invincible or that we suck and everyone is plotting against us. Ego is that toxic force that makes real teamwork, empathy, vulnerability and artistry impossible.

Name one situation you’ve ever been in that called for more ego. It repulses advantages and opportunities. It’s a magnet for enemies and errors.

Whatever we’re doing in life—whether we’re aspiring to do something, experiencing success or in the middle of difficulty—ego is the enemy every step along the way. That is why we designed the back of the coin to illustrate the three stages of this cycle: Aspiration. Success. Failure.

The purpose of this coin is to remind us to be:

  • Humble when ambitious
  • Gracious when successful
  • Resilient when we fail

These stages circle the writer Cyril Connolly’s wisdom: "Ego sucks us down like the law of gravity."

The front of the coin features a bust without a head—a reminder that ego can topple us at any moment.

In an era that glorifies selfie culture, reality TV, and other forms of shameless self-promotion, the battle against ego must be fought on many fronts. We hope that by carrying this medallion, you’re able to protect yourself against your greatest foe — your own ego.

Each coin is handcrafted in the United States by a custom mint operating in Minnesota since 1882—the same mint where the iconic AA anniversary medallions were created in 1973 by Bill Westman, an employee. Westman wanted to create something to leave with people he interacted with in recovery groups and to mark their achievements in sobriety, to remind them of the messages of AA and help keep them on their road to recovery. Westman’s advice was “Carry this in your pocket or purse and when temptation is great, reach into your pocket and feel the medallion and remember your struggle to get this far.”

Each coin is shipped in a custom-designed box with an accompanying information card, explaining the practice to anyone receiving the coin. Each coin has a unique finish and character.

Dimensions: 1 9/16” in diameter, 2.778 MM thick, 26.2 grams.

Shipping Information: We ship worldwide.

Bundle: If you’re interested in purchasing all 8 of our Daily Stoic medallions, you can save $52 by clicking here