variant: $30.00
product: $30.00
Anxiety Medallion
How much has anxiety stolen from you? How many opportunities, how much time, how many relationships?
In return, what did all that worrying get you? All that worrying about things that may or may not happen?
Maybe you avoided a couple minutes of traffic. Or maybe you missed getting caught outside in a rainstorm.
But for the most part, as Seneca reminds us, we suffer more in imagination than reality.
And as a result we do suffer in reality. He who suffers before it is necessary, Seneca wrote, suffers more than is necessary.
Being trapped in the tunnel of anxiety—unable to think straight, emotions speeding like a runaway train—is a crippling experience, but fortunately, the Stoics had an answer to freeing ourselves from stress and worry almost 2,000 years ago.
In Meditations, Marcus Aurelius put it like this: “Today I escaped from anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions—not outside.”
What Marcus understood is that anxiety comes from the inside. We are the creators of our anxiety.
Which means we can also be the ones to do something about it.
To keep that in mind, we created the Daily Stoic Anxiety Coin for you to carry around with you wherever you go and use it as a tool when anxiety strikes.
Unlike our other medallions, the Anxiety Coin has a hole in its center so we remember the way stress and worry eats at us until we’re left empty inside.

Encircling the hole on one side of the coin is Marcus’ quote about discarding anxiety—reminding us of our power to control and reshape our perception of the moment, a core principle of Stoic philosophy.

On the other side is the Greek phrase "Ta eph'hemin, ta ouk eph'hemin—'what is up to us, what is not up to us,'" in English—with a serpent devouring its own tail wrapping around the words. This image is known as an ouroboros, one of the oldest symbols in the world, and represents how anxiety often feeds on itself in an endless cycle, where worrying about something leads to more worry, and so on.

But the ancients also believed the ouroboros could symbolize rebirth and transformation—because if we confront and work through anxiety, we will shed our old skin, and grow a new identity in the process.
Think about how much time each day you spend consumed by anxiety.
10 minutes?
30 minutes?
3 hours?
All day, every day?
What if that could be cut in half, or nearly eliminated? You could spend that time far happier and more productive. You could use that mental energy for building, rather than tearing yourself down. And by getting out of your head, you’d be able to enjoy the company of friends and family without anxiety getting in the way.
That’s the goal of this coin. Not only is it a reminder of your control over anxiety, but the Anxiety Coin also makes a great fidget spinner to twist and turn in your fingers. Or, like Ryan Holiday, you can spin and watch the coin as a way to focus your attention and not let your thoughts consume you.

Gain a powerful tool in your fight against anxiety and get the Daily Stoic Anxiety Coin today!
Each coin is shipped in a custom-designed box with an accompanying information card, explaining the practice to anyone receiving the coin. Each coin has a unique finish and character.
Dimensions: 1 9/16” in diameter, 2.778 MM thick, 26.2 grams.
Shipping Information: We ship worldwide.